The April Giveaway is now live!
Continue ReadingMARCH 2015 Monthly Giveaway Winner
Congrats to the winner of the March, 2015 winner: Perry L Thanks to everyone who entered. Better luck next time! I’m working on getting next month’s giveaway up and running. The To-Do list, she is LOOOOOONG today. I’ll post again once April’s giveaway is live.
Continue ReadingFebruary Winner
Happy Monday! I’m sorry it took so long to post the winner’s name; my 15k-lb gorilla of a weekend has a tude that refuses to drown in coffee this morning… February’s Giveaway Winner: Anna H Congrats! Thanks everyone else for entering. Try again in this month’s giveaway!
Continue ReadingGiveaway Closing
The monthly giveaway for February will be closing in just a few hours! Be sure to enter if you haven’t already. I have a limited window in the office tomorrow, so it’s possible I won’t be able to announce February’s winner until Sunday or Monday. I’ll be sure to post and contact the winner as soon as possible, and get March’s contest up an running.
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Congratulations to January, 2015’s winner: Elise She’s been a long-time reader, so I was very happy to see her win. Thank you to everyone for entering. Ready to try again? February, 2015’s Giveaway is now live.
Continue ReadingDecember Giveaway Winner
This month’s winner is… Okay, thanks to my child’s enormous hands, we ended up with TWO winners. Sweet! Liz Z Rhonda Congrats, ladies! Both of you are now added to the auto-send list, and will receive all remaining Season Two episodes shortly before or on the day of release. Thanks, everyone else, for entering. Better luck next time. Speaking of which, January’s giveaway is up and running.
Continue ReadingDecember 2014 Giveaway
Hi, everybody! I’ve just updated the Giveaways page for December, 2014. We’re going to do the “Season Pass” thing again. I might add something more, and will keep everyone updated on any changes or additions. Enter at will!
Continue ReadingNovember 2014 Giveaway
Morning, everybody! I’ve partially moved into the new office; I’ll take pics as soon as I’ve figured out where the mountains of stuff will go — naturally I have more stuff than office to put it all in, but still, it’s awesome up here. I stood at the window, watching it snow (#primalscreen) for about ten minutes, earlier. The view took a bit of the sting out of it, I tell you. Anyway, I’m here to formally pimp November’s giveaway — Same prize as last month: the season pass. Speaking of which, I best get my butt to work. Have a great Wednesday!
Continue ReadingOctober Season Pass Winner
Hi, everybody! The family finally let me slow down long enough to wrap up this month’s giveaway. *drumroll* October’s Season Pass winner was… Kim Bryson! Kim will receive each Fantasy Heights Season Two episode as they’re released. If you’d like another crack at a season pass, we’ve decided to do the same giveaway next month (all my creative braincells were used up today, trying to figure out how to keep four energetic piranh… er, kittens, out of the basement). Enter next month’s giveaway on the Giveaway page. ETA: Ooops, I was a bit hasty with that publish button! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who entered October’s giveaway.… Read More
Continue ReadingOctober Giveaway
Four days left… Enter while you can!
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