Did you know that Emma (editor) can make me clutch my own skull by starting a sentence with, “But you said…”


Yes, we’re working up to letting Episode 10 go out for a first-read by the beta team.

Things are not going well, so far. And because I’m feeling evil now I will ‘leak’ this info:


Sophie Morris: Our lead character
Ben Oliver: Former lead performer of exhibitionist fantasy dept
Hector Cruz: Thomas’s replacement as lead of forced seduction dept
Nyx Vaughn: Lead performer in threesomes and menage. Replaces Marla as Mercury Milazzo’s enforcer

Yes, you will see Thomas and Josh in Episode 10. Amanda is mentioned but not ‘seen’ until Episode 11.

2 Replies to “Did You Know…”

  1. omg, I cannot wait to go back to Fantasy Heights!!!

    I wish it were real. well, without all the death and all. Cause I’d definitely save my cash and go.

    I’ll have to settle for whatever you dream up. thanks for having wicked thoughts.

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