Celebrating a new release with…. wait for it… an ear infection! Because apparently, I’m three years old. Okay, now that the self-pity is out of the way, let’s do some algorithm management. (AKA shameless begging) Please take a moment to review a title today. The cat demands it.
Continue ReadingRELEASE DAY: Fantasy Heights Episode 15
Episode 15: In high demand as a performer and stalking expert, Sophie navigates a busy, pleasure-packed week at Fantasy Heights. Unexpected visitors shake things up between Sophie and Ben. Thomas, meanwhile, turns his creative problem-solving skills onto a personal problem. Link to excerpt
Continue ReadingAnd-a One…
Files processing… Most retailers take a while. I will check again in the morning and do a release day post once we’ve got some actual links to share. Everybody ready?
Continue ReadingUpdoot
Okay, so, remember in the last post how I said, “if everything goes as planned”? Yeah. Not so much. Day-job has some issues with personal space. I was going to hurry and try to upload tonight, but this episode just isn’t ready yet. I’m shooting for very, very late Thursday night or Friday afternoon. That way, at least we’ll have Overcome up for the weekend. I’m sorry it couldn’t be sooner, but I’d rather take the time to do all the usual polish passes instead of skimping. To make up for it, here’s the excerpt a couple days early. See you this weekend!
Continue ReadingQuick Trick
If you push the little Nook button over on the right sideboard, you’ll see the rest of the Season One cover updates. Help Wanted‘s cover hasn’t updated yet, but should within the next 24 hours. (Sorry, I can’t take time away from wordcount to update the covers on the site, yet. But yes, the covers really are changing, and this is what they look like. It’s NOT new content.)
Continue ReadingNew Season One Covers
Hi again! To avoid any confusion, here’s what the new Season One covers look like. They’ll start going up over the weekend or early next week.
Continue ReadingIt’s Almost Time
With Episode 14 almost ready to launch, I thought I’d swing by tonight and answer the most-frequently asked question of all: Q. (paraphrased) What the fuck, Meg? Why is this episode taking so long? A. Two main reasons: First, in October of last year, I found a full-time job. The job rocks, but I do get tired, especially because Mr. Silver is on the road, leaving me to manage kids, pets and homefires by myself. The other reason it took so long to bring this episode all the way through production: I hated the three prior builds. They ran too long, the pacing sucked, and the sex seemed boring. Worse,… Read More
Continue ReadingUpdates
Somehow a month has gone by without a blog post. I swear I blinked a couple time and all of November evaporated out from under me, just like magic. Needless to say, things have been busy. Mr. Silver is back on the road for the winter (boo), and I’ve undergone a career change in the day job arena. Don’t get me wrong. I love my new job. It’s just aided and abetted this month’s utter disappearance. We’ve all (yes, this includes you readers) also undergone a major change behind the scenes. Since this is a season to express gratitude, I’d like to thank Emma very publicly for her help with… Read More
Continue ReadingEpisode 13: Pressure
Episode 13: Now that Ben has gathered the protective detail under one roof, everyone feels the pinch of proximity. Ben and Sophie cope with a change in their relationship while the past works its will on others in the house. Purchase Links: (these will go live as the book becomes available on different retailers) Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon CA Amazon AU Barnes & Noble Google Play iTunes Kobo
Continue ReadingThank You Betas!
Hi, everybody. I just got done sending out a group message to the beta team, thanking them for their help. But then I thought “Fuck that, they deserve a public thank you, as well.” So… thank you to Team Yes members who helped out with this round. I know everyone always says “We couldn’t do this without you”, but it couldn’t be truer in this case. Though short, these episodes take an insane amount of work, and without y’all’s guidance, I’d have given up long ago. THANK YOU!
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