Over the last week or so, I’ve been repeatedly stunned to hear from people: “But I can’t read e-books. I don’t have a Kindle.” (as they text me from their smartphone.)

Honeys, if you have a phone, you have a Kindle! Visit this page to read all about it.

You’ll note there are several different devices covered, from PCs, laptops, tablets, and etc.

There are also apps from Barnes & Noble, so no matter which retailer you prefer, you can take books with you wherever you go. And what I love most about having both a Kindle and a Kindle app, if I forget my Kindle at home, the two devices synch. I can pick up reading on my phone, right where I left off reading on my Kindle.

Also, here’s a very helpful page at Smashwords that gives a lot of great info about e-books, including how to get e-book files from device to device. Excellent resource.