Oi — yesterday was a blur of dentist, errands and choir concerts. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I have no idea how single parents do this. Do you all have Hermione’s time-turner or something?
In other news, leading up to Fantasy Heights Season Two, I’ve decided to leave Season One bundle at the $6.99USD sale price. Also, if you buy the print version, a digital version license is currently FREE through Amazon’s Matchbook program.
The third Calais County book will likely get mushed in between Fantasy Heights episode releases; the production schedule on Season Two is pretty tight, and right now there’s just not time to focus as hard on CC and promotion as it really requires, so if you’re waiting on Kat and David, I’ll have to beg your patience while we focus on FH again.
And while we’re talking about FH, I can give you one semi-minor update: (these are draft-stage covers, but the titles are final)
Heart pumping faster…… Mouth salivating…. Can hardly wait! Planning on re-re-re-re-reading FH1 this weekend in prep. Bring them on sister!