Okay, looks like Zander will win the naming poll. Awesome name; it reminds me of Buffy (which I am currently watching because I ALWAYS watch Buffy Season 1 while revising). If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you already know that it’s a bit on the nippy side in Silverville today. I wouldn’t mind so much, but the mom-taxi grind when it’s this cold + deadline = big time cranky. So. Retreating into the work cave until I have to go out again. Stay warm!
Continue ReadingMonday Silliness
Since I have terribly exciting things to deal with today (daughter’s dentist appt), and I’m supposed to be working on FH Season 2 this week, we have time to have some (more) fun with our poor nameless Gentleman’s Privilege hero. Let’s have an official vote! I compiled a list of all the suggestions. If you don’t find your suggestion among the candidates, don’t take it personally. For instance, “Simon” will always get eliminated because of the dreaded “Simon said” dialogue tag. Other omissions happened due to the starting-letter conflict, and still others bit the dust because of an association. For instance, “Ethan” got eliminated because one of my best friends… Read More
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Once again, we need to change a character’s name at the eleventh hour… This time, we’re renaming a hero. He is currently named Troy Marshall. First name needs to go, surname remains the same. He’s dark haired, dark-eyed, very rich, very powerful in business and not the most easy-going guy in the world. He’s just ascended to the corporate throne and takes his future role of family patriarch very seriously. Name replacement has some rules: 1) David and Alex are already hero names in this mini-series. 2) Name cannot start with R, V, H, D, A, K. 3) Nationality is never specified, though given the series parameters, I’d guess the… Read More
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