Over the coming months, I’ll be updating previous episode files to:
1) Improve performance — formatting for working TOC and locations, start position, better sampling, etc.
2) Clean up some minor typos — Hello, forest. Oh, hey! Look! Trees! — This will learn us to rush the production cycle as ruthlessly as we have in the past. 
3) Possibly — though the final decision won’t happen for a bit — update cover art. 
Anyway, point is, if you receive alerts from retailers that new files are available, this is why. No scheduled dates on these: I’m dragging my feet a little so that we only have to update once, and this is kinda contingent on decisions I need to make by end of summer.
In other news, Fantasy Heights is now officially locked in for nine episodes. Continuation of the series is under consideration.
Also, Book 5 excerpt should show up by the end of next week.

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