I’m having one of those weirdly wonderful, synergistic bizarro moments:
Wish Her Well is #477 in the overall Amazon “paid” rankings right now.
Help Wanted is #477 in the overall Amazon “free” rankings right now.
I guess we know what my lucky number for the day is. o.O
Or I could have a “fetch” moment, and instead of saying five-by-five, I’ll say it’s all four-seven-seven.
(My job rocks.)
Just finished Wish Her Well. Loved it is putting it lightly! I have enjoyed reading your books immensely. I only wish there was more at the end. I guess that’s the point, keep’em drooling for more. Amanda is damn near every woman, needing to protect herself, but putting those she’s come to love before her.
You’ve done at great job , intermingling erotica with a real storyline . Kudos to you!
I am so absolutely a new and devoted fan. As a writer myself, your writing and writing style makes me envious and simultaneously, makes me drool. I have longed to read erotica that is truly gorgeous and doesn’t make me roll my eyes at the cheesiness, or want to throw the book across the room. You’ve quenched that longing and then some. Your storyline is delicious and I’m held utterly captive, having read the entire series, to this point, in 2 days. BUT, the thing that really keeps me quite literally salivating is the love affair of the words you lovingly place side by side and the tantilizing way they dance around in my head. I don’t write to authors. I don’t review books. But, I could not keep myself from telling you how talented a wordsmith I think you are.