EVENT DATES: 22 September – 20 October, 2015
Reviews do much more than provide mission-critical feedback. They also play a key role in search algorithms. This helps connect you with books you like, and helps readers find new authors.
Reviews have dropped off lately. To perk things up, we’re throwing a major review blitz through 20 October, 2015.
How to Participate
Option One:
Review any (already owned) previously-read Meg Silver title
Post the review before the promotion’s end date (20 October, 2015)
Report the review link via this form http://goo.gl/forms/AdGosSyq7c
Option Two:
Request a copy of any Meg Silver title to review http://goo.gl/forms/NnXFhiNzHZ
Post an honest review before the promotion’s end date (20 October, 2015)
Report the review link via this form http://goo.gl/forms/AdGosSyq7c
YES! You can review older titles you already own AND request new-to-you ones (one at a time)
YES! You can “chain” requests: request and review one title, and then turn around and request/review another. As long as reviews are posted before the event’s end date, we’ll keep sending books!
What You Can Win
For ONE verified review:
Any digital Meg Silver title (including Fantasy Heights, Episode 14: Renegade upon release)
For TWO verified reviews:
- Your name on a Meg Silver Acknowledgements page PLUS a chance to have your review quoted in Meg Silver promotional materials
- Any digital Meg Silver title (including Fantasy Heights, Episode 14: Renegade upon release)
For THREE verified reviews:
- Fantasy Heights Season Two “Season Pass”
- Your name on a Meg Silver Acknowledgements page PLUS a chance to have your review quoted in Meg Silver promotional materials
- Any digital Meg Silver title (including Fantasy Heights, Episode 14: Renegade upon release)
For FOUR or more reviews:
- Invitation to AMA (Ask Meg Anything) event
- Fantasy Heights Season Two “Season Pass”
- Your name on a Meg Silver Acknowledgements page PLUS a chance to have your review quoted in Meg Silver promotional materials
- Any digital Meg Silver title (including Fantasy Heights, Episode 14: Renegade upon release)
FIVE+ Reviews:
- Eligible for paperback sweepstakes to win a signed copy of Fantasy Heights, Season One. (Open to US entrants only; International entrants can win a personalized digital copy)
- Invitation to (Ask Meg Anything) event
- Your name on a Meg Silver Acknowledgements page PLUS a chance to have your review quoted in Meg Silver promotional materials
- Fantasy Heights Season Two “Season Pass”
- Any digital Meg Silver title (including Fantasy Heights, Episode 14: Renegade upon release)
Titles Eligible For Review Blitz
(listed highest priority first)
Sessions, Part I: Captive
Fantasy Heights, Episode 13: Pressure
Fantasy Heights, Episode 12: Hellfire
Fantasy Heights, Episode 11: Eightman
Fantasy Heights, Episode 10: Paramour
Fantasy Heights, Season One
Calais County: Gentleman’s Privilege
Calais County: Lovers Walk
The Nights Of Yes
Eligible Review Destinations
Barnes & Noble
Personal blogs/sites
*Facebook and Twitter currently ineligible
How to Request A Title for Review
Use this form http://goo.gl/forms/NnXFhiNzHZ
- This form will ask for your name, a contact email, your preferred Meg Silver title, and your preferred digital filetype.
- Remember, only one review title released at a time.
- Please be sure to use the same name/email address for each request and report.
How to Point Us To Your Review
This information will be collected via another form. http://goo.gl/forms/AdGosSyq7c
This form will ask for a link to your review, and possibly a username where applicable.
In order to verify reviews, we’ll need:
- If you have posted on a private blog or site, we’ll need a direct link to the review for verification.
- If you have posted your review on Goodreads or a retailer’s site, we will need the product link, plus the username under which your review is posted.
For example:
*Please be sure to use the same name/email address for each request and report. It will be very hard to track participants otherwise.
- Entrants must be 18+ years old to participate.
- Only reviews posted during the blitz are eligible (22 September, 2015 – 20 October, 2015).
- Text reviews required. We love those star ratings, but we need actual text reviews for the blitz.
- Post only honest reviews; you don’t have to love whichever title you read and review, you just have to actually read it and post your honest review. (Negative feedback helps too, you know.)
- Unique reviews only for multiple titles; Repeated reviews (using the same or only slightly varied text) will not count toward review credits/points.
- Digital versions only; no print or audio copies will be comped for review.
- EPUB or MOBI filetypes only (PDF is a bit of a pain, but will send if needed. Right after we lecture about the ease and simplicity of Kindle apps and Kindle for PC.)
- We will send only one complimentary title at a time, though chaining is absolutely allowed. Finish and review one title, we’ll happily send you another once we’ve verified your review.
- All reviews must be reported in order to receive credit. Reviews can be reported via a very simple form; one review equals one credit.
- Reviews must be reported before 21 October, 2015.
- Meg Silver reserves the right to refuse review-copy requests for any reason. (We’re prepared to give away hundreds of free books, but we won’t be taken advantage of.)