Okay, so apparently computers hate Mondays, too. We’re having some vid-card issues this morning that I could have done without, but DAMN this coffee is making it all better.
In other news, not even good coffee can make up for some Fantasy Heights character issues. Would anyone mind if I have Josh throw Thomas off a building?
Yes I would 🙂 poor guy being thrown off a building? Does he get to live after that or are you killing him?? Would be such a shame to kill Thomas *sniff*
Oh No! Don’t throw Thomas off a building! I’m still getting over the fact you cut his hair! Just put him, Josh and Amanda in a menage relationship, with some guy on guy action! LOL. Hope you conquer your character issues soon, I really enjoy your work!
Thanks! And yes, the hair was painful, wasn’t it? Necessary, though. You’ll see 😉