Today we wrap up the Goodreads giveaway. If you haven’t entered yet, today is the last day to win a free, autographed copy of the Fantasy Heights Season One print bundle.
The bundle is also for sale on Amazon.
This weekend, I finally compiled all nine Season One episodes into an e-book bundle. Though the digital version won’t hit retail outlets until November, the e-bundle will make a fun contest prize, I think. Keep an eye on stuff around here for random chances to win the digital bundle.
In other news, a sort of pay-it-forward series is underway on the forums. Once completed, this will be a complete walk-through on how to make EPUB and MOBI files. Anybody can do this. Every bit of the software is open source, and I’m including all the stuff people usually leave out, like a css file, screenshots and detailed instructions. Right now, it’s a work in progress, and we’ll link it all up once it’s done.
Happy Canada Day!