This question surpassed the “will we see Thomas, Josh and Amanda” one as the most frequently asked question:

Q: Will Josh get a happily-ever-after this season?

A: Yes.

And because Joy was here yesterday, we’ll answer this cover-related question today, too.

Q: What happened to the people shadows on the covers?

A: I wish there was a cool reason for the change to the Season-Two cover theme. The real answer is a legal one tied to image licensing, and the recent kerfluffles over take-down notices from artists who do not want their work attached to anything erotica-ish.

We just don’t want to run any risks. And we want to make absolutely certain that we own our covers 100%, so we decided to retain the comic-booky feel to the covers while focusing on the episode number (which is all people really care about anyhow with this series.)