More About The Review Blitz

Happy Friday! I’m getting a bunch of questions about the Review Blitz, so I’ll answer the most common in public so y’all know what’s what. Q. (paraphrased) Are you crazy? You’re just giving away free books for people to review? A. I’ve always comped copies for reviews. In the right sidebar of the site, and on the contact page, there’s a Review Copy Request Form link. It’s been there almost as long as this site has been up. And no, I’m not crazy. Reviews are super important for discoverability. Lack of reviews can bar an author from certain promotional opportunities. Giving away free books in exchange for reviews is considered… Read More

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This question has hit my inbox three times already: Q. What do you think about Kindle Unlimited? Should I sign up? A. At this point, I have the luxury of hanging back and watching others do all the nitpicking and speculating. Have I rushed to sign up for a trial? No. Will I sign up for a trial? Maybe to explore a reader’s experience of the service, but it’s not a service I myself would use. My TBR pile is ginormous enough the way it is, thank you very much. From a supplier standpoint, I don’t know. I have never experimented with Kindle Select (a requirement to ‘get into’ Kindle… Read More

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One Last FAQ

Happy Thursday! Today I’ll do one last FAQ about Paramour. It’s kinda spoilery if you haven’t read Episode 10 or the excerpts yet, so I saved it until after launch. (Again, paraphrased to combine different versions of the same basic question) Q: What’s with the new cast? Why can’t we carry on with Thomas, Josh and Amanda? The Sly Answer: We are carrying on with Thomas, Josh and Amanda this season… just not as our POV characters. The Director’s Commentary, TMI About What A Flake I Can Be, Boring Writer-y Answer: As much as we like the original trio, nine more episodes with those characters and conflicts would have gotten… Read More

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More FAQ

This first question is paraphrased to combine up a bunch of different versions. Q: Is Ben “Blondsquatch” Oliver Sophie’s love interest? A: I’m not telling. Not even the beta team knows yet. Q: Is there another love triangle this season? A: Yeah, not telling on this one, either. Sorry.

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More Season Two FAQ

Next FAQ, coming right up. Both of these are paraphrased to make one question out of lots of similar ones. Q: Does Season Two pick up right where Season One left off? A: No. A year has passed in FH world since our last visit. Q: Are Amanda and Thomas still a thing in Season Two? A: Yes. Submit your own question here (but hurry, please). Enter to win a promotional copy of Fantasy Heights, Episode 10: Paramour. Paramour is up on Goodreads!

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ARCs, Contests and More FAQ

Happy Monday! Lots going on today; only eight more days until Paramour’s release date. So excite! First order of business: to request an ARC of Fantasy Heights, Episode 10, please use this form. Second order of business: Tomorrow is the cut-off date to enter the exclusive early-bird giveaway. Only those contest-loop subscribers who were signed up before the giveaway began are eligible for entry. Tomorrow, ten subscribers will receive their ARC copy of Paramour. We’ll do a couple more giveaways before release. If you want alerts on upcoming contests, subscribe to the contest/giveaway notification loop using this page. The contest loop has a blue header. Can’t miss it. And finally… Read More

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This question surpassed the “will we see Thomas, Josh and Amanda” one as the most frequently asked question: Q: Will Josh get a happily-ever-after this season? A: Yes. And because Joy was here yesterday, we’ll answer this cover-related question today, too. Q: What happened to the people shadows on the covers? A: I wish there was a cool reason for the change to the Season-Two cover theme. The real answer is a legal one tied to image licensing, and the recent kerfluffles over take-down notices from artists who do not want their work attached to anything erotica-ish. We just don’t want to run any risks. And we want to make… Read More

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Last post today, I swear. While looking at the Lovers Walk contest-entry database, I noticed that two questions got asked repeatedly, so I’ll answer them here where everyone can see. Q. Will there be any more Fantasy Heights? A. Yes. Season two is currently in development. The first episode is due to go out to beta-readers very shortly. I do not have an ETA on the launch. Please be patient. I need to have lots of episodes in the can before we release the first so that the lag-time between each episode can be shorter. Q. Will the Calais County books ever see print? A. Yes. Once all three (planned)… Read More

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Hello Grindstone My Old Friend

/cavort Writing day! There’s coffee, there’s characters, there’s intrigue… Some days I love my job. This is definitely one of them. Oh, and I added a brief FAQ to the Fantasy Heights page a couple days ago. If you’re a blog or forums reader, you know all this stuff already, but there it is nonetheless. Have a great Monday!

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