Okay, so Joy surprised me with a bit more than the lone audio cover I needed this morning… Here’s this: And this:
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You’ll notice some Season One cover changes coming through over the next little while. This is happening for two reasons: To accommodate the addition of audio versions with SQUARE covers Joy’s eternal hate for the covers from episodes 4, 5, and 9 The official Season One episode covers are changing to these:
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I’ll be uploading some Season Two changes today. Among those changes are covers. I’m not sure how long it will take for changes to take effect across all retailers, but it should happen within the next couple days. New covers look like this:
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Normally I would post this kind of thing on Monday, but I’ve got so much going on tomorrow morning that I’m doing it tonight. Here are the new cover drafts. Let us know what you think!
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Joy has been at it again. Prepare to see some revised Season Two covers, coming soon. I’ve seen the drafts, and I’m so excited. They’re perfect for this series. Meanwhile, revisions on Hellfire continue. Can we make some kind of law that I am allowed at least three uninterrupted work hours a day? Holy crap, what an insane couple of months! Emma is threatening to lock me in my office because my crazy schedule is steamrolling her even crazier schedule. *cringe* Have a great weekend!
Continue ReadingStar Wars Day Winners
Morning! We had four winners in the May The Fourth Be With You Celebration: Carol Nancee Mary Jo Sue Prizes: 2 Calais County bundles Fantasy Heights Season One bundle Manuscript critique A couple of you still need to get with me about which filetype you prefer, so ladies, check your inboxes, please. Thanks for entering, everyone!
Continue ReadingDecisions, Decisions
Hey, everybody! Today, we’re working on cover art. (Poor Joy) We’re getting a little burnt out on revisions. Right now, we’re at the point where we hate EVERYTHING, so we figured we’d come to you all for opinions. Original: Revamp: Original: Revamp: Fire away… Like the new concepts? Prefer the old ones? Anything? Discuss. ETA: We’re going for a walk. Back in a few.
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I can’t stop laughing. Joy and I are looking at photography for the first Calais County book cover. A little bit ago I was getting bored and fed up and said, “I don’t care anymore. First pic on the next page is what we’re using. Period.” This, of course, turns out to be the first pic on the next page. My stomach hurts from laughing not only at the picture itself, but the title possibilities. (Bad day for my stomach; first chronic hiccups, and now this.)
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First, if you see something new on Amazon and B&N tomorrow, don’t freak out thinking it’s new Fantasy Heights stuff. I just finally got our collective crap together enough to release the compilation Season One file. It has to be uploaded to Smashwords by the second of December, so it will show up there soon…ish, too. Also, this is becoming a thing: First person to make a Knights Who Say Ni joke gets locked in a closet with Emma for a month. (Note: To clarify, this is not a desirable outcome.)
Continue ReadingBring it, Monday
I hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day. Things were delightfully quiet around here, which is exactly the way I like it. We’re getting pretty close with For The Wicked. I should say we’ll see release within the next two weeks provided nothing wacky happens. I think — emphasis THINK — this is the final cover: That’s it for today. There’s still lots and lots of revising and polish to apply, so I shall see you on the slopes.
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